About Us
ECDC Board of Directors
ECDC is governed by a 15 to 17 member board of directors of which 8 -10 members are general directors elected to 3 year terms. In addition, 2 members are University of Notre Dame appointed members, 2 members are Saint Mary’s College appointed members, 2 members are parent representatives elected by the ECDC-ND parents and 2 members parent representatives elected by the ECDC-SMC parents. Parent representatives are elected for 1-year terms. All other board members serve 3-year terms. There are 7 board committees: Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, Program Committee, Parent Committee, Research Review Committee, and Fund Development Committee. All board members serve on 1 committee and some members serve on multiple committees. The board members bring to the board a wide range of skill sets, expertise and experiences including specialists in education, sociology, psychology, speech and language, medicine/nursing, economics, accountancy, financial analysis and law.
Current Board Members
Alissa Russell, President, Chair of the Research Review Committee
Laura Williamson Ambrose, Vice President, SMC Appointed Member
Janet O’Tousa, Treasurer, Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committees
Annette Peacock Johnson, Secretary
Janet O’Tousa, Treasurer, Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committees
Annette Peacock Johnson, Secretary
Susan Latham, Past President, Chair of the Program Committee
Katherine Lane, General Director, Chair of the Fund Raising Committee
Katherine Lane, General Director, Chair of the Fund Raising Committee
Janet Horvath, General Director
Margaret Jessop, General Director
Kristin Valentino, General Director
Linda Kroll, ND Appointed Member
Elly Brenner, ND Appointed Member
Michelle Egan, SMC Appointed Member
Neetu Agrawal, ECDC-SMC Elected Parent Representative
Kate Griffin, ECDC-SMC Elected Parent Representative
Lauren Alavanja, ECDC-ND Elected Parent Representative
Oscar Kaunda, ECDC-ND Elected Parent Representative